15 Things That Almost Completely Changed The End Of Harry Potter

10. Dudley Almost Had A Wizarding Son

Dudley Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

What Happened

Though it ended up being cut from the film, the Deathly Hallows' finale sees a reconcialtion of sorts between Harry and Dudley Dursley, who extends him an olive branch early in the book. And while it took the additional material released by Pottermore to confirm it, it turned out that the pair continued to see each other as they grew, remaining on "Christmas card terms".

Harry's family would also visit if they were in the neighbourhood, but Dudley and Harry would sit in silence as their children played.

What Could Have Been

In a rather poetic - and unfortunately excised twist - JK Rowling initially played with the idea of giving Dudley a magically gifted child as part of the epilogue. It would have been the ultimate irony for the Dursley family, who were effectively wizard bigots, but in the end Rowling realised that there was no way that any wizarding traits could possibly have survived contact with Uncle Vernon's DNA.

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