15 Things Wrong With Interstellar

13. That Damn Dylan Thomas Poem

Ever since the first Interstellar trailer dropped that featured Dylan Thomas' famous poem "Do not go gentle into that good night", there has been a certain skepticism online that the poetry reading comes across as a little too grandiose and precious. Unsurprisingly, this feeling transpires through to the final movie as well. While it may have been tolerable had the poem just been used once (its use as the Endurance launches isn't so bad), but to hear Michael Caine repeat it, have Matt Damon recite it later on and see it written on a plaque at the end of the movie just hits viewers over the head with its lyrical philosophy. Imagine if that Tale of Two Cities quote from The Dark Knight Rises had been repeated three or four times over the course of the movie: it would have diluted the emotional impact of its ultimate use, and that's exactly what happens in Interstellar. By the third time a character starts reciting Thomas' masterwork, there's nothing left to do but roll your eyes. It probably doesn't help that John Cena recently performed a reading of it for a WWE 2K15 advert, so there's that, too...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.