15 Thoroughly Depraved And Sleazy Movies Only Sick People Would Watch

2. Visitor Q (2001)

Egfge Miki, a teenage prostitute, induces her father - Kiyoshi - to have sex with her. The mother - Keiko is doing a jigsaw when the son Takuya comes in and smashes up the apartment because she bought him the wrong toothbrush. He beats seven shades of crap out of his mother with a rug beater. A bunch of bullies come to his house and set off fireworks through his window. Keiko injects heroin. A strange man - Visitor Q - hits Kiyoshi over the head with a rock. Kiyoshi brings him home and informs the family that Q will be staying with them for a while. Nobody minds his presence and Kiyoshi, who is making a documentary on young people, watches footage of a gang of teenagers he filmed in the act of raping him. The next day, the father films his son being beaten up by some bullies. The mother goes to work as a prostitute. She buys drugs and when she comes back to the house, Q introduces her to lactation sex, while the son watches behind the door. At dinner, the mother makes a nice feast but her turd of a son throws food in her face. She fights back by throwing a carving knife at him, and she misses. The family seem glad that she retaliated for once. The father strangles a female co worker and goes to chop up her body. A strange sensation comes over him and he has sex with her corpse. However with the onset of rigor mortis, his penis is trapped inside her body. His wife tries all sorts of things to dislodge his penis and eventually a shot of heroin does the job. Both of them are in a state of ecstasy and they dismember the body. The bullies turn up again and mum and dad go out and kill them. Can Q continue to bring the family back to a normal domestic set up? Another triumph for Takashi Miike, Visitor Q is a transgressive masterpiece. It can be likened to Pasolini's Italian film Teorema in which a stranger comes to a household and affects each member in turn. But where Pasolini's stranger divides the family, Visitor Q manages to bring them together. A harsh and depraved film to watch, there are numerous scenes in Visitor Q to shock and disgust the viewer - necrophilia, male rape, dismemberment, incest and domestic violence are among the most contentious topics tackled. It is quite a radical film in its portrait of a dysfunctional family and it succeeds in attaining cult status due to Miike's bold direction and the depiction of some very depraved deeds.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!