15 Thoroughly Depraved And Sleazy Movies Only Sick People Would Watch

11. House On The Edge Of The Park (1980)

Dniod David Hess stars as über scum bag Alex, who at the start of the film rapes and murders a young woman in her car. Later, he is seen working in a garage with Ricky (Giovanni Lombardo Radice). He plans to go out to a disco but a posh couple turn up at the garage complaining of problems with their car. Tom, one of the yuppies, invites Ricky and Alex to a house party. Alex goes to his weapons stash to get a razor. At the party, the yuppies make fun of Ricky as he dances. Class divisions are appearing and Alex is getting into a violent state. After the yuppies deceive Ricky through a rigged game of poker, Alex cracks up and an orgy of violence breaks out. The Yuppies are raped, tied up, slashed with a razor. Alex seems to be in control of the situation until the Yuppies manage to claw back power and make Alex pay for his actions. There is a powerful revelation about why the Yuppies asked Alex and Ricky to the party in the first place. Directed by Ruggero 'Cannibal Holocaust' Deodato, House on the Edge of the Park contains as much depravity as Deodato's flesh munching epic, if not more. First off, with David Hess in the film, you just know that there will be sadistic mayhem galore. And Hess delivers the goods - raping, torturing and murdering people in a gruesome fashion - even slashing up a teenage girl for fun. The opening sequence where Hess rapes and murders a woman in her car is as depraved as anything you will ever watch. Profoundly troublesome for the censors due to the level of depravity and sexualised violence, House on the Edge of the Park is a bona fide Video Nasty. I first watched a 2002 version that had 11 minutes cut. It was as flat as a pancake. A virtually uncut version was released in 2011 with only a few cuts made to the slashing scene. Depraved people go forth and buy it.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!