15 Most Underrated 1980's Movies You Must See

Did you know that Harrison Ford moonlighted as a serious actor in the '80s?

The 1980's was a very good decade for film. Some of the most memorable '80s films include include Back To The Future, The Terminator, Blade Runner, Ghostbusters, Die Hard and The Shining to name but a few. These movies have become iconic and are considered landmarks in the history of cinema. That this illustrious list is on the tip of the iceberg with regards to classic '80s films says a lot about the standard at the time. Of course, these films, more often than not, spawned sequels and became franchises in their own right. As great as some of these were, the 1980's is often criticised for being lazy and relying on formulas and franchises to bring in the audiences. With sequels it was usually a case of diminishing returns, both artistically and financially. As great as some of these films were, therewere a lot of pointless and exploitative sequels around back then and inevitably the shine wears off after the second or third film. But sequels and franchise films were not the only films getting released in the 1980's. Sure, they made the most money at the box-office, but there were a lot of compelling, smaller films that have since slipped through the cracks for various reasons. These films have become lost in the shuffle and are tragically underrated but need to be watched.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...