15 Unforgettable Moments Which Made Guardians Of The Galaxy

11. Groot Steals The Battery

The Guardians' imprisonment at The Kyln, and their subsequent super-explosive escape, is a key element in the film, as it is here that they meet Drax the Destroyer, the final member of the squad, and also where we see them properly teaming up for the first time. The escape itself is a monstrous set-piece, but it's within Rocket Racoon's planning phase that we find yet another understated stand-out moment - Groot's nonchalant removal of the security battery which sparks the excitement. In any other film, this would have been another throw-away event. Rocket, Gamora and Quill sit huddled around a table, conspiratorially planning their great escape... central to which is the battery housed in a security camera set in the main hall in plain sight. Seemingly impossible to get hold of, it was to be the most tricky part of the plan, requiring subtlety and a deft hand. While the three discuss, we see Groot wander over to the camera in the background, reach up, and simply destroy the camera and yank the battery out. Problem solved.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.