15 Upcoming Comic Book Movie Villains We Can’t Wait To See

12. The Blood Queen

The Rock Black Adam
Dark Horse

The Movie: Hellboy

Played By: Milla Jovovich

Though the death of the long-mooted Hellboy 3 under Guillermo Del Toro's guidance was a tragedy, the promise of a darker, more horror-led reboot from Neil Marshall starring Stranger Things' David Harbour is a damn fine way of taking the sting away.

Already we've seen Harbour looking incredible in his make-up (not to mention packing muscle a WWE star would be proud of), and as long as the other puzzle pieces come together well, we're in for a treat. A big one of those pieces comes in the shape of Mila Jovovich's Blood Queen, the villain of the piece and a medieval British sorceress intent on destroying humankind.

It's great casting, as Jovovich has a decidedly otherworldly quality to her, and seeing a sorceress powerful enough to have seduced and trapped Merlin in a tomb for all eternity is delightfully exciting. And if she follows her comic book counterpart and transforms into a dragon, that'd be pretty swell too.

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