15 Vile Scenes Involving Bodily Substances (Other Than Blood)

6. Dino Sneeze (Jurassic Park)

After the horror of the Tyrannosaurus Rex attack, Alan Grant, Tim Murphy and Lex Murphy take refuge up a tree. Whilst up the tree, they notice a herd of brachiosaurus' in the distance. Knowing that they are harmless vegetarians, Grant tries to attract their attention by imitating the noise that they make. Lex is terrified by the idea, but soon comes round when she realises that they mean her no harm. When one approaches, Grant feeds it some leaves and branches, while Tim gives its nose a stroke. When Lex plucks up the courage to give it some attention, it sneezes on her, covering her in dino-snot. "God bless you!"
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.