15 Vile Scenes Involving Bodily Substances (Other Than Blood)

4. Stifler's Golden Shower (American Pie 2)

In this scene, Stifler is hosting a house party after the first year in college and, as usual, is trying it on with girls. He takes one girl outside with a bottle of champagne and she offers to give him some while she stands behind him. At the same time, John appears on the balcony above them and starts to pee. He knocks a plant pot off the balcony, which hits the girl on the head, knocking her out. His urine showers Stifler, who thinks it is the girl being "kinky" with the champagne. When he realises he can't "taste the bubbles", he gets a terrible shock.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.