15 Vile Scenes Involving Bodily Substances (Other Than Blood)

1. Projectile Vomiting (The Exorcist)

Without a doubt, the most famous scene in Hollywood history that involves vomit is the projectile 'pea soup' scene from The Exorcist. When the demon possessing Regan McNeil tries to taunt Father Damien Karras by saying that his Mother is inside Regan with him, the priest challenges the demon to say his Mother's maiden name - something it would know if its claims were true. The demon remains silent and Karras approaches it, waiting for an answer. Instead of an answer, what he gets is a disgusting vomit shower, as the demon spews violently in his direction, covering his face in a sea of green. Not only is it the most famous vomit-based scene in Hollywood history - it's also quite possibly the most famous scene in horror, full stop. So there you have it; 15 horrible scenes involving bodily substances that aren't blood. Repulsed? Can you think of any other scenes like these? Let us know in the comments box below!And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.