15 Worst Comic Book Movie Sequels Ever

1. Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four Rise Of The Silver Surfer
20th Century Fox

Fantastic Four movies have never been good. Even the first big budget one was pretty mediocre, but it made enough money to turn Fox's head towards a quick-fire sequel.

Buoyed by that success, the studio decided to go bigger and bolder - and you don't get much bigger than iconic Marvel villain Galactus. When the story was first announced, fans would have reacted with joy at the idea of seeing the seminal purple and pink clad giant threatening to chow down on Earth...

Only, Fox decided that would be too much, so instead they turned him into a great big nasty cloud.

Even more problematically, they also hired Tim Story, who failed to put any stamp on the material, which was also terrible, or get a single good performance out of his talented cast, who sleepwalk for the most part. It's just not fun at all, and it fails to live up to almost everything you'd want from a Fantastic Four movie.

Also nobody working on the sequel got the memo that there are absolutely no circumstances in which having superheroes dance is a good idea. See also, Spider-Man 3.

Which comic book movie sequels do you think are the worst? Share your suggestions below in the comments thread.


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