15 Worst Horror Villains Of All Time

8. Satan - Rock N Roll Nightmare (1987)

Disguising himself as a rock star named John Triton (great porn name), Triton The Archangel (Jon Mikl Thor) is on Earth to stop Satan and his minions from ruling the planet, but because Rock N Roll Nightmare was filmed in 7 days for $53,000, the forces of darkness are portrayed by a variety of evil glove puppets. Worse, the filmmakers clearly couldn€™t afford a decent costume for their €œhero€, so they decided to settle on the skimpiest (and cheapest) outfit possible €“ a cape and leather thong. While eye-catching, this is clearly not the preferred attire for saving the world, judging by the embarrassed look on Triton€™s face. Then again, Satan is revealed to be a 7 inch puppet who looks and moves a lot like Tom Servo (from Mystery Science Theatre 3000), so saving the day doesn€™t prove much a challenge. €œYou win this time!€ the demon announces, before vanishing in a cloud of purple smoke.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'