15 Worst MCU Villains (So Far)
1. Malekith - Thor: The Dark World
It's been almost ten years since Thor: The Dark World and almost twenty MCU films have been released following it but yes, Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) is still the worst MCU villain of all time.
Malekith has all the problems you'd expect from a terrible MCU villain - namely, poor writing, not enough screen-time and the waste of a great actor - but the thing that makes him the all-time worst of the worst is that he represents all of these terrible characteristics dialled up to eleven, while he doesn't have any redeeming features either.
The other bad MCU villains at least have something potentially intriguing about them, even if this wasn't realized well, but with Malekith there's nothing. There's no backstory, no compelling lore and he's just the most generic, boring and lifeless alien villain imaginable, with an ultra-vague evil plan, a very silly appearance and no sort of depth or personality whatsoever.
Christopher Eccleston hated working on the film and compared the experience to acting with a gun to his head - that's understandable.
All in all, Malekith was about as intimidating and threatening as the Easter Bunny. Still, even if some of the recent MCU films messed up their villains, it seems unlikely that the MCU will ever give us a villain this awful again, so that's something. It'd hard to create a villain worse than this anyhow.