15 Worst MCU Villains (So Far)
9. Dormammu - Doctor Strange

Dormammu (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a giant, floating, multi-coloured CGI head... if you think this character sounds like an underwhelming villain, you'd be 100% correct.
An inter-dimensional entity, Dormammu is built up throughout the film as a terrifying, apocalyptic evil force but he only actually appears in one scene and will evoke little more than a passive shrug. The character isn't interesting, frightening or threatening at all and has far too little screen-time to make any sort of an impression.
Since he's only in one scene and since that scene is the film's time-loop climax (which is mostly terrific), this character doesn't drag the overall film down but he's still one of its weakest links. Furthermore, his confused reactions to the time-loop were unintentionally hilarious.
The film's version of Dormammu is also a terrible translation of the character from the comics, who most definitely was not just a floating head. It's not quite on the level of Fantastic Four 2 turning the legendary super-villain Galactus into a giant cloud, but still.
It seems possible Dormammu will return in the future and maybe he'll be better, but for now he's one of the MCU's lamest villains.