15 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Horror Movies

2. House

Beau Is Afraid

As mentioned previously, many Japanese horror movies (including the aforementioned Tetsuo: The Iron Man) are quite bizarre. Having said that, nothing rivals House. In this thoroughly impressive (if occasionally exasperating) 1977 cult classic, protagonist Gorgeous (nicknamed as such because of her beauty) goes to stay at her aunt's house. 

She takes six friends along: Prof (who's very academic), Melody (who loves music), Mac (who has a big appetite), Sweet (who is, you guessed it, very sweet), Fantasy (who daydreams a lot) and finally, Kung Fu (who's great at Kung Fu). The seven girls, with all of their hilarious Spice Girl-esque nicknames, go to the house, which is haunted and begins to attack them. What ensues is one of the weirdest movies... well, ever. 

A severed head jumps through the air and bites a girl on the rear, a piano eats one of the girls, another one of them gets crushed by a pile of pillows and then turns into a doll... the stuff that goes down in this movie has to be seen to be believed. The cartoonish, deliberately unrealistic special effects, trippy animations and stilted acting only make the whole, beautiful enterprise even more delightfully strange. 

Interestingly, director Nobuhiko Obayashi developed a lot of the story with his pre-teen daughter, and she is responsible for a lot of the film's imagery. He stated, "adults only think about things they understand... children can come up with things that can't be explained." Well, that was certainly true in this case.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.