16 Deleted Comic Book Movie Scenes You're Not Allowed To See

13. Bane's Origin

Bane The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros.

Though the twist of Bane's relationship to Talia Al Ghul robbed him of some of his immediate impact, and his death was a travesty, Tom Hardy's Bane worked because he was richly layered, mysterious and iconic looking. It's no accident that the same ingredients made Heath Ledger's Joker so beloved.

There is something to be said for the enigmatic nature of his past; while we did get to see some of Bane's story in the pit, we didn't get an explanation of why he had to wear his mask or body armour (aside from the beating he got for helping Talia escape as a child). Apparently, the plan was to reveal a different cause entirely.

According to costume designer Lindy Hemming, there was a flashback sequence filmed that explained his monstrous deformities, including a look at his abuse by other prisoners in the pit. It was cut ultimately - possibly to preserve some of his mystery.

Why It Was Cut

Because Christopher Nolan felt it was extrenuous, and anything in that particular category doesn't tend to make it to the light of day because of Nolan's belief in the sanctity of the final cut. If he excised it, it wasn't meant to be seen in the context of his film.


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