16 Great Recent Movies The Oscars Outrageously Snubbed

3. Drive

Drive Ryan Gosling

Nominated For:

A grand total of one award... for Best Sound Editing. It didn't even win that, as the award went to Hugo which wasn't exactly a film based around sound.

The biggest snub of many in regards to the 84th Academy Awards, this upset everyone. Had the Oscars included both this and A Separation - the other best film of 2011 - the overall Oscar line-up would've been elevated considerably.

Probably the most popular film of 2011, Drive really took everyone by storm. It's not only insanely cool and ultra-violent, but it's a very emotional art-work and filled with layers and subtleties. This was a high-profile movie, it covered some deep themes and it was critically and commercially successful. Therefore, it has more similarities to the types of films normally nominated for Oscars than people think.

This is one snub which near-destroyed the Academy's credibility, given many would say that Drive was the best film of 2011. Best Picture, Best Director, all the technical awards and Best actor for Ryan Gosling, as well as Best Original Score. Given the lack of dialogue no nod for the film's screenplay is understandable, but none of those other snubs are. Just awful.

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oscars Drive
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.