16 Movie Characters Who Were Killed For Being Clichés

15. Billy The Kid - The Expendables 2

The Cliche: Plans on meeting up with his girl after the mission. Here's a tip: if you find yourself in a situation that feel suspiciously like it's part of either a horror film or an action movie, in no circumstances should you ever acknowledge that you have existing romantic relationships "back home." Sometimes it's okay to have kids relying on you, because you might be given a reprieve (probably with a serious, but not fatal injury), but if you have a sweetheart, and you find yourself lower on the bill than your compatriots (if they have nicer hair or a troubled past but a heart of gold, you're probably screwed) you're definitely going to die. Never, ever plan to go and have sex after anything involving mortal peril. It's probably best if you just don't acknowledge the fact that you have sexual organs at all, since the pervy members of the group (like Danny Trejo in Con Air, or Walton Goggins in Predators) usually end up horribly mangled for their sexy transgressions. Poor Billy the Kid should probably have seen his own death coming: he openly plans to retire from the muslce-bound team and meet up with his girl in Paris (extra points for the romantic intended venue) after one last mission, and even swerves Ross' attempt to send him away before the mission to make sure his little dream comes off without a hitch. He might as well have walked into battle carrying a picture of his woman rather than a gun, because, unsurprisingly, he doesn't make the credits.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.