17 Most Shameless Product Placements in Movies

16. Spider-Man - Carlsberg

Similarly, while Sam Raimi is thought of as a Hollywood filmmaker still retaining the core indie sensibility that he demonstrated on films like The Evil Dead, his take on Spider-Man wasn't without its material excesses; if the blatant Dr. Pepper close-up during Peter Parker's (Tobey Maguire) first web-slinging demo wasn't bad enough, Raimi then has this large Carlsberg logo plastered on a lorry which Spidey oh-so-conveniently lands next to. That it serves as an exclaimation point for the action sort of makes it worse; Spidey swings through the streets, not blighted but such capitalist concerns, and then this landing, something of an impactful money shot, is tainted by the giant logo taking up a good portion of the screen. The blocking and direction of the scene, which angles the lorry towards the camera for maximum advertising effect - without pissing us off entirely, at least - feels only more crass when you realise that this is the film which helped introduce the 12A rating, so Sony were effectively selling beer while bringing more kids into the theatre. Stay classy, Sony.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.