17 Most Spooktacular Moments From Michael Jackson's Thriller

9. Zombie Michael

Michael Jackson Thriller
Epic Records

Move over Werecat Michael, there’s a new monstrous Michael in town. His name is Zombie Michael, and he came to dance. Depending on which Zombie lore you prefer, be it your shambling Romero Zombies, Zack Snyder’s Sprinting Zombies, or Walking Dead's Zombies who you just feel sorry for, the time it takes to turn into a zombie after being bitten is a somewhat contentious subject.

But this easily has to be the single fastest Zombie transformation in the history of the undead. So, kudos.

On an unrelated note, the way Michael tilts his head to the girl as if to provoke a reaction to his new form is just glorious.


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.