17 WTF Moments From The Hateful Eight

10. Mexican Bob's Mind Gets Blown

Easily the most entertaining and memorable death scene in the movie occurs when Warren and Mannix hold the surviving occupants up against a wall (that's Joe Gage, Tim Roth's Oswadlo Mobray and Demian Bichir's Mexican Bob) as they try to make sense of who is helping Daisy. Warren deduces that it must be Mexican Bob, because Minnie doesn't like Mexicans, and there's no chance she would leave her Habberdashey in the custody of one After questioning Bob, Warren calls him a liar before shooting him twice in the chest. As he falls to the floor dead in a hail of blood and gunfire, Warren then fires two more bullets at his head, exploding his face into a hilarious bloody mist. Gore doesn't get much better than that. Admit it: you laughed and recoiled in disgust all at once.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.