18 Insanely Messed Up Movies You Might Not Be Able To Handle

2. Cannibal Holocaust

The House That Jack Built
United Artists

Cannibal Holocaust is another one of the most controversial films ever made and the director was arrested as some thought it was a snuff film. It isn't, but it does feature real-life footage of horrific animal killings, most notably a nigh-on unwatchable scene in which a turtle is dismembered.

Although it might seem odd to put a 1980 movie over several more modern films, Cannibal Holocaust is, for better or for worse (actually, definitely for worse) ageing remarkably well and remains exceptionally disturbing.

In it, an anthropologist ventures into the Amazon rain-forest in order to find a missing documentary film crew. The crew are dead but he does find their footage and the footage is the stuff of nightmares.

Brutal gang rapes, a horrific forced abortion scene, decapitations, dismemberment, racist murders and, of course, cannibalism, do make this among the most unpleasant, cruel and harrowing films ever made and even the toughest horror fans will be left feeling genuinely ill.

The only good thing that can be said is that the film gets the worst scene, in which a tribes-man gruesomely rapes a tribes-woman with sharp objects and then bludgeons her to death as a punishment for adultery, out of the way early on.

So, is this most infamous of movies actually worth the effort? Honestly, no. It's surprisingly well-made but it's too nasty, empty, meaningless and, frankly, racist to add up to a remotely worthwhile viewing.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.