18 Moments That Will Ruin Home Alone For You

13. Phone Problems

One moment from Home Alone that irked me even as a kid first watching the film upon its 1990 release (and I absolutely loved the film, still do) was the rudeness of the McAllisters when they land in Paris. Sure, they€™ve left their 8-year-old at home (alone), but they just aggressively kick some poor French woman off a call she was making. The world doesn€™t revolve around you, you know. Who€™s to say that the lady on the phone originally wasn€™t making some equally-important call involving a family issue or a personal matter? What makes the McAllisters so special? It was just aggressive, ignorant, over-the-top, bullyish behaviour that only served to make the McAllister clan even more unlikeable in hindsight.
Senior Writer
Senior Writer

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