18 Most Terrifying Disney & Pixar Movie Moments

7. Pleasure Island

Film: Pinocchio Who would have thought that Pleasure Island was just a location for human trafficking? All of the boys go there to have fun, eat an abundance of food and in return, they're transformed into donkeys and sold off. The fear sets in when Pinocchio and Lampwick begin to look and sound like a donkey and they have no idea how to cope with the consequences of their actions. Of course, being turned into a donkey is the result of their rioting, vandalising and bad natures. They all shout for their mothers when they realise that they're probably never going to see them again, and they face a life of neglect and abuse as a working donkey. This is all regardless of the fact if they're remorseful for their previous 'jackass' tendencies; after all, they're all impressionable children and of course, which child doesn't wish that they could find a way to become or act older than they are?

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com