18 Most Terrifying Disney & Pixar Movie Moments

12. The Huntsman Following Snow White

Film: Snow White And The Seven Dwarves The opening of this scene begins with Snow White singing a beautiful song, collecting flowers whilst surrounded by her woodland friends. But the creepy thing is, that during the entirety of this, you can see the Huntsman in the distance, leaning against a tree, watching. Snow White is innocently helping a lost bird be reunited with its parents as the Huntsman is revealed by his ominous shadow brandishing a knife behind her. Instinctively, Snow White cries out and shields her face with her arms and the audience realises that this would be the position that she would be murdered in, trying to protect herself. Fortunately, the Huntsman cannot carry out the deed and sends her into the forest, the scariest forest ever where the logs transform into crocodiles and the tree limbs are like hands grabbing Snow White's dress. Nope.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com