19 Awesome Movie Cameos Nobody Saw Coming

12. Cate Blanchett - Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz Cate Blanchett
Universal Pictures

The fantastic Cate Blanchett makes a cleverly disguised appearance in Edgar Wright's terrific buddy cop comedy as Janine, Sgt. Nick Angel's (Simon Pegg) former partner, who explains to him, at a crime scene no less, that she's seeing someone else.

Blanchett doesn't remove her face mask for the entire scene, ensuring that many had no idea it was her until they read about it after-the-fact. Like Daniel Craig in Star Wars, it smartly hides an A-list actor right under the audience's noses, never distracting from the scene but giving those in-the-know a mighty chuckle.

Wright does this all the time, but Blanchett's surprise appearance is easily his most cleverly deceitful to date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.