20 Actors You Didn't Know Almost Starred In Jurassic Park Movies

7. Sean Connery Turned Down John Hammond

Jim Carrey Jurassic Park Header
Universal Pictures

Sean Connery has a long history of almost getting really good roles and turning them down because he's notoriously picky and a little bit grumpy or something. That's the cliche anyway, and you have to wonder whether it's true when you consider his responses to some of the job offers he has nixed.

Connery had an existing relationship with Jurassic Park writer Michael Crichton, thanks to their work on The Great Train Robbery, and the Scottish legend was pegged as a front-runner for the role of John Hammond as a result.

But rather than him dismissing the film based on it not being understandable (Lord Of The Rings) or just because NO (Harry Potter), Connery turned down Jurassic Park for purely monetary reasons. He wanted more money than the studio were willing to pay, considering they were ploughing a lot of money into ground-breaking CGI.

His loss was the world's gain when Spielberg got Sir Richard Attenborough to unretire for the role, though you could probably have seen Connery selling the more villainous Hammond seen in Crichton's book.


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