20 Alternate Disney Characters You Never Got To See

5. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)

The eponymous heroine of 1995's Pocahontas is virtually unrecognisable in this early conceptual sketch. Rather than the gentle, spiritual Pocahontas we're all familiar with, in this image she appears far more sly and mischievous. It's an interesting point that the name 'Pocahontas' actually means 'little mischief', and it was surely with this fact in mind that the character designers dreamt up this initial form. But in addition to the general demeanour, the early Pocahontas just looks completely different, and is practically a complete stereotype of a Native American in every sense. She's also notably wearing shoes, something Pocahontas famously refrains from doing in the finished movie.

4. Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmations)

There is something about animals, particularly animated ones, that tug on our heart strings in more powerful manner than humans can. It is for this reason that 101 Dalmations' Cruella de Vil is probably the most universally despised Disney character of all time. Her tacky, trashy appearance perfectly matches the hideousness of her evil heart, but as this early sketch proves, this what not always the case; in fact, she was originally intended to be quite the looker, with her experimental hair and fur coat a statement of her suave individuality rather than an indication of a long-standing drug habit.

3. Rafiki (The Lion King)

A large part of the most iconic image from The Lion King (the new baby King behind held aloft atop Pride Rock for all the animals of the kingdom to behold), Rafiki's presence as a whole is one of the most important, memorable and widely-loved elements of the movie. However, it seems that the part-witch doctor, part-martial art expert wasn't always as jovial, as this quite frankly terrifying early sketch suggests. Mufasa's death not enough to make your kid break down in tears? Try showing him this!

I'm a university graduate/full-time layabout who fills his days writing fiction, watching 90s sitcoms and growing irate after failing to catch Mewtwo with 99 ultra balls on Pokémon Red. I think that says it all, really, doesn't it?