20 Awesome 2015 Movies You Might've Missed

3. James White

The Plot: James White (Christopher Abbott) struggles to get a handle on his self-destructive behaviour, while coming to terms with his mother Gail's (Cynthia Nixon) cancer diagnosis. Why It's Awesome: Make no mistake, James White is another film all about cancer, and while unavoidably grim to that end, it mostly skirts around any glib categorisation thanks to superbly-written characters and astonishing, awards-worthy performances from Abbott and Nixon. What makes the film more than just a parade of misery is the deep insights into the human experience we gain from it, as well as some much-needed comic relief occasionally slotted in. The relationship between a dying woman and her son is extremely touching (but also uncompromising), and most audiences will likely find some way to relate to it. Though the film's refusal to transform its prickly protagonist into something "better" likely won't go over well with all viewers, it nevertheless feels achingly true to life.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.