20 Behind-The-Scenes Facts From The Hunger Games

4. The Woes Of The Reaping

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 Katniss

We already know just how dreadful the Reaping is: how the children get called to partake in the fight for their lives. Yet the filming of the Reaping in the first film was truly awful to endure in real life, too.

Filmed outside for hours, the Reaping took place in over 100 degrees Fahrenheit weather — that’s at least 37 degrees Celsius. The children involved as extras had to stand for hours as the scenes came together, but unlike the main cast, they were not granted the luxuries of nice cold trailers between takes. And, being extras, they weren’t paid either.

Luckily, they received at least some form of compensation. For all of their trouble, the main cast — including Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, and Elizabeth Banks — signed autographs for some of the extras, to thank them for being such troopers in the heat.


A writer of fiction and fact.