Inside Out was a smash hit for Pixar this year, as the extremely high concept idea was captivating enough to draw in audiences, but not too high brow or confusing to follow as to turn people away. The stellar voice cast headed up by Amy Poehler as lead emotion Joy brought name recognition to a film that was already filled to the brim with creative and colourful design aesthetic. The limits for the filmmakers were literally the infinite complexities and wonders of the human brain, after all. The real coup was adding these elements to the humbly intelligent and subtle takes on growing up, and the workings of the mind in doing so - from imaginary friends (Bing Bong *sob*) to the reason why advertising jingles get stuck in our heads (those little f*ckers). This all added up to make for a thoroughly well-rounded, introspective and heartwarming film for adults and children alike. It's that pan-generational appeal that has made the Inside Out Blu-ray the 6th highest-selling in the States last year. As with most Pixar releases, the special features are great; especially the fantastic new short titled 'Riley's First Date', which features that same awkward boy from the end of the film and is, frankly, hilarious. There are some great deleted scenes as well, which come from a version of the film that never got beyond storyboarding, including one where we meet additional emotions Pride, Schadenfreude and Ennui, who were all cut to save time. A decision that worked for the film overall, but it's still great to see these characters here and wonder what might have been.
Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.