20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

6. Shanghai Knights

There are some movies that set out to be exactly the opposite of pretentious. If done well, flicks of this nature can bring an unparalleled sense of fun and excitement to whoever sits down to watch them. When you switch onto them by accident whilst watching TV, the sense of ease draws you in. Shanghai Noon and its sequel, Shanghai Knights, are but two of these kinds of pictures - old-fashioned, crowd-pleasing entertainments. The first movie in this action comedy franchise, then, starred Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson as two mismatched companions who find themselves at odds in the Old West, and was something of a rollicking joyride; Jackie Chan in Hollywood done right. Its sequel kept the formula and simply transposed the action to London. And though there's nothing much in the way of a decent plot, the brilliant chemistry between the two leads remains in full force, cementing Shanghai Noon as one of those endlessly rewatchable comedy sequels that never seems to grow tired. That, and it's packed with little nods, gags and references. All things considered, Shanghai Knights could have been a disaster - a cynical attempt to cash in on the success of the first flick. But it's this sequel's intention to be anything but cynical that makes it wholly worthwhile - and hilarious. Only a snob could hate on it.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.