20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

3. 22 Jump Street

The reoccurring joke that made 21 Jump Street endlessly funny hinged on the fact that the movie knew it was a pointless reboot; entirely unnecessary, the majority of the laughs stemmed from a knowing self-awareness that rendered the script immune to criticism. For the inevitable follow-up, then (c'mon - the original movie grossed $200 million dollars; there was no way it wasn't going to happen), it seemed only right to take the joke to the next level: this time, the target was pointless sequels. And 22 Jump Street, for all intents and purposes, is a pointless sequel of the highest order. It triumphs, of course, because it knows exactly what it is, as heroes Schmidt (Channing Tatum) and Jenko (Jonah Hill) embark on an undercover drugs operation that looks curiously like the one glimpsed in the first flick. Packed to the brim with references to the previous movie and the inane tropes that audiences have become desensitised to due to the overabundance of sequels in modern cinema, 22 Jump Street is the rare comedic follow-up that borders on actually being better than the first outing. Its hilarious end credit sequence, in which endless sequels to the movie are proposed, is worth the price of a ticket alone.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.