20 Best Films Of 2015

11. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

As a movie, The Force Awakens is, well, just a movie. It isn't a transcendent experience, it isn't going to change your world outlook and it isn't going to alter cinema forever (bar smashing every box office record going). It isn't, objectively, a perfect film - it has pacing issues and gives itself more backstory and mythology to fill in than perhaps was necessary - and it's fair to say that the fact it can't do any or all of those things makes the past years of ever-building hype seem bizarre. But Star Wars is more than just a movie franchise (and I'm not referring to all the merchandising). As a cultural experience there's been nothing like The Force Awakens since The Phantom Menace (and there the reaction in the face of those stupidly high expectations was much more negative) and while it can be frustrating watching Episode VII and knowing a bit of tightening here and alterations there would make it the movie we all dreamed of, it's hard not to get swept up the wonder of the world J.J. Abrams has advanced (especially on rewatch, when you've had a chance to accept its failings). After years of at best mediocrity, at worst the nadir of the franchise, Star Wars is finally great again. The Force Awakens brings together the past with tempered nostalgia and moves forward with unique, interesting characters making the future as bright as the past. And isn't that brilliant? Read the full review here.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.