20 Best Films Of 2015

17. Steve Jobs

Urgh, do we need another Steve Jobs movie? That's what pretty much everybody seemed to be moaning as this film ambled its way through a troubled pre-production and a rather muted release. But c'mon, really? Sure, there was that Ashton Kutcher mess a few years back, but otherwise there's very little argument that the long-gestating Aaron Sorkin project was a waste of everyone's time. I'll say that again - it's an Aaron Sorkin script. And it's great, with a wicked self-awareness that accompanies the usual witty barbing. Michael Fassbender is also shockingly good - not that he was ever going to be bad, but he's just incredible as a man who believes he's God. The only real issue with the film is that it comes across very much as "An Aaron Sorkin Picture". Whereas The Social Network, which is far and away the film's nearest comparison point (it even boasted similar claims of inaccuracy), felt like a David Fincher movie, Danny Boyle's fingerprints are rather faint here; he does a great job of crafting visual sense of Sorkin's multi-threaded conversations, but at no point does it ever feel more than he's playing catch-up. But hey, he does still keep the pace, so there's that. The film was a sizeable box office bomb, no doubt a side effect of the "do we need it?" school of though. Jokes on those who sat it out, because this was brilliant. Read the full review here.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.