20 Best Movie Posters Of 2013

8. 12 Years a Slave

Perfectly self descriptive this poster gives you everything you need to know about the movie in one great simple image. Chiwetel Ejiofor's Soloman Northup is seen in mid-stride as he flees his captors.

7. Escape From Tomorrow

The viewer only sees two things Mickey Mouse's blood covered hand and the film's title in Disney's trademark font. This doesn't say much about what the movie will entail (it was filmed secretly in the actual DisneyWorld), but it raises enough questions to spark one's interest.

Gadiel Hernandez attends the University of Miami and is an aspiring journalist with plans to graduate in the coming years. He was born in Havana, Cuba and speaks two languages. In his spare time he enjoys watching sports, exercising, reading and stand up comedy.