20 Best Movies Of 2024 (So Far)

17. Dune: Part Two

Best 2024 Movies So Far
Warner Bros.

The highest grossing film of the year so far, Dune: Part Two proved a step-up from its predecessor on almost every front, introducing audiences to wider lore, a host of new characters, and gorgeous imagery impossible to fault. 

There's a sense, yes, that the characters aren't as well-drawn as they could be, with Denis Villeneuve's commitment to the spectacle overpowering the storytelling at times, but when the visuals are this good and the action this thrilling, how much can you really complain? 

Following fugitive heir Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet) as he races to war against the vile Harkonnen clan, the second part of Villeneuve's sci-fi epic sports some glorious cinematography, a vicious turn from newcomer Austin Butler, and a score so enveloping the film's nearly three-hour runtime simply zips by. 

The true star of Dune: Part Two, though, has to be Zendaya, who gives a captivating performance that transcends everything Villeneuve brings to the screen. This is a monster film bursting with highs, all told, and its upcoming sequel has much to live up to. 

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