20 Best Performances In The Wizarding World Franchise

13. Jude Law - Young Dumbledore

Harry Potter Voldemort
Warner Bros.

Jude Law seemed like a bewildering choice for Albus Dumbledore when the casting was first announced, but all of those fears proved completely unfounded. He was absolutely great as the young Dumbledore and gave one of the all-time best performances in an otherwise-terrible film.

Jude Law reminds one of Robert De Niro, playing Vito Corleone, in The Godfather Part II. He played a younger version of a legendary character who convincingly resembled the older incarnation, but also really made the part his own. Jude Law effortlessly captured Dumbledore's wisdom, warmth and brilliance, but also emphasized this version's youth and inexperience compared to the older version we all know and love.

The result was a delightful, wonderfully human performance which provided some much-needed entertainment during this dreadful misfire. Law also got a chance to explore some of Dumbledore's fascinating backstory, unlike Michael Gambon, and he did a very good job with this too.

So far, this is the best performance in the Fantastic Beasts leg of the franchise.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.