20 Best Studio Ghibli Characters

4. San (Princess Mononoke)

Where Ashitaka is Princess Mononoke€™s unambiguous hero, always seeking to do the right thing and attempting to bring about peace for all, its title character (better known as San) is far more ambivalent in her portrayal - and she is all the better for it. A child of the woods with a strong friendship with its wolves, she is a staunch defender of the forest against the greedy human antagonists of the film€™s towns. However, it is difficult to ever fully identify with or sympathise with her as a character given her bestial attitude and her strong belief in violence as a means to an end. A large element of Ashitake€™s role in the film is to bring San around to a more peaceful view of the world. Rather than wishing for humans and the forest to leave in harmony, she seems determined initially to rid the world of the people that would destroy her home. Ultimately she becomes calmer and more reflective, but she never loses that edge that sets her apart. The fact that she rides growling grey wolves into battle, in contrast with the majestic stag of Ashitaka, emphasises the darker and more animalistic side of her character. San is an excellent Ghibli character because she is strong in spite of her flaws. She does not always take the morally acceptable route, and yet she never repels the audience in the way that a villainous character might. Her heart is in the right place, even if her actions are frequently condemnable.

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