20 Biggest WTF Movie Moments Of 2023 (So Far)

8. A Child Narrates The Movie - Magic Mike's Last Dance

Dungeons and Dragons Honor Among Thieves Chris Pine
Warner Bros.

The third and seemingly final Magic Mike movie - especially considering its lackluster box office performance - was a colossal letdown from start to finish.

A fundamentally bizarre threequel which scales-back the signature stripping to focus on Mike (Channing Tatum) helping a socialite, Max (Salma Hayek), produce a sexy stage play, this is the last series that needed to deviate from a well-honed formula.

But the first troubling sign was right there in the opening scene, which sees a young girl providing a contemplative voiceover narration about the origins of dance.

Even with the context of the girl later being revealed as Max's daughter Zadie (Jemelia George), you have to wonder what Steven Soderbergh was thinking by framing a movie about stripping around the perspective of a child. Nobody asked for this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.