20 Most Controversial Movies Since 2000

10. Inside

La Fabrique de Films

The home invasion horror subgenre is a tricky one to pull off - with limitations set by the single location and small number of characters, a certain tightness and economy of writing is required in order to sustain the set up for the duration of a movie. Inside, starring Alysson Paradis as a widow awaiting the imminent birth of her child on Christmas Eve and Beatrice Dalle as the woman hell bent on taking it from her womb lies at the better end of the spectrum.

It's certainly a taught, well acted effort, with Dalle in particular clearly relishing the avenging creature she's portraying, and for horror fans who like plenty of blood and gore on display it doesn't disappoint. Making a pregnant woman the object of so much violence certainly upset some viewers, and it's not hard to see why - after all, a movie in which a psychotic woman performs a caesarian section with a pair of knitting scissors seems almost designed to kick up a storm. Relentlessly brutal, Inside is one of the better films to have emerged from the new wave of extreme French cinema.

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Battle Royale
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