20 Depraved Movies Only Truly Sick Individuals Could Enjoy

11. A Serbian Film (2010)

Headless Movie
Jinga Films

Really a no-brainer for this list, A Serbian Film packs virtually every perversion known to man in its running time - an assembly line of taboos beyond the point of recognition.

In the film, Miloš (Srđan Todorović), a financially struggling porn star is coaxed into performing in what is pitched to him as an "art film" which promises to be his family’s ticket out of Serbia. The only problem is, his new employer’s only demand is that Miloš do everything he says, which includes having sex with a bruised woman after she bites his penis and riding another woman doggy-style before hacking her up with a machete. Incest, baby rape and necrophilia are also in the mix.

A fuming piece of nihilistic work, A Serbian Film goes to mind-boggling lengths to pummel one’s eyes with one appalling image after another. If you live on controversy, this is a must-see. On the other hand, it’s not really anyone’s idea of a satisfying movie experience, and nobody would blame you for giving it a miss. 


Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com