20 Most Depressing Film Endings Since 2000

18. Donnie Darko (2001)

The Ending €“ As Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal), his girlfriend and two others attempt to prevent a robbery, a fight breaks out during which Donnie€™s girlfriend gets killed by his sister€™s boyfriend who is wearing a Frank-the-Rabbit-suit €“ the entity that has been heavily influencing Donnie€™s actions. Donnie then shoots and kills him. A vortex appears above Darko household badly damaging a plane flying overhead, detaching one of the engines. The events of the film play out in reverse order before Donnie is left in bed, laughing uncontrollably. The engine from the plane damaged by the vortex then comes crashing through the roof, killing Donnie. Several people who have interacted with Donnie throughout the film wake up looking visibly shaken. Donnie€™s girlfriend learns of his death from a kid on the streets but claims she doesn€™t know who Donnie is. Depressing Because €“ We witness the complete psychological breakdown of Donnie come to its final destructive yet eerily beautiful climax. Throughout the film it has been difficult not to sympathise with him despite some of his more dubious actions. It is a particularly embittering subject that Gretchen €“ for whom he has sacrificed so much €“ claims she doesn€™t know him. A Silver-Lining? The people who were killed in the Tangent Universe are still alive in another plane of being. Unlike other €˜everybody dies style€™ films, not everyone actually dies.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.