20 Disaster Movies You Must See Before You Die

2. Contagion

The Impossible Naomi Watts
Warner Bros. Pictures

A few years ago, Contagion might've seemed less like an outright disaster movie than a speculative sci-fi about a theoretical deadly plague sweeping the planet.

Viewed today, in the midst of a very real pandemic, Contagion feels discomfortingly close to a documentary at times, such is the authenticity of Scott Z. Burns' impressively well-researched script.

Contagion has naturally enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the last two years, but on its own merits is a terrifyingly unsentimental, ruthless look at how a virulent disease can rampage across the world in no time.

Making the most of a fantastic ensemble cast, Steven Soderbergh studiously encapsulates everyday human panic, the scientific community's scramble to find a solution, and those who seek to profit off of fearmongering.

Upon original release, Jude Law's conspiracy theorist antagonist seemed positively cartoonish, yet two years into COVID-19 he's been proven frighteningly realistic.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.