20 Most Epic Character Introductions In Movies

2. James Bond - Dr. No (1962)

After 50 years and 23 movies, Sean Connery's introduction in Dr. No still remains one of the most iconic moments in the entire series. The original, and many still say the best, incarnation of the character makes a striking debut and conveys plenty of the character's personality traits just by divulging his name.

Taking place over a card game, Eunice Gayson's Sylvia Trench asks for the unnamed player's name. The action cuts to a close up of Connery nonchalantly lighting a cigarette before he utters the immortal answer; 'Bond. James Bond'. Monty Norman's signature theme grows louder in the background, with Connery's screen presence and natural charisma lending a magnetic quality to the delivery of three simple words. As introductions go, they don't get much more iconic than this. The signature line, delivered by a smouldering and immaculately-tailored James Bond, complete with recognizable musical cue, would go on to become hallmarks of cinema's longest-running franchise but they have arguably never been delivered better than in 007's big-screen debut.

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