20 Essential Coming Of Age Movies That Changed Your Life

15. The Way Way Back

If you've ever been forced to go on a holiday you'd rather not go on with people you don't really like, then The Way Way Back is the one that will most likely resonate with you. Starring Liam James as 14-year-old Duncan, the film tells of his summer away with his mother Pam (Toni Collette) and her overbearing, patronising new boyfriend Trent (Steve Carrell). There's a relaxed, laid back mood permeating throughout The Way Way Back which perfectly evokes the time and place, with lazy days on the beach leading to listlessness and boredom, as Duncan ventures beyond the social confines of his fellow holidaymakers and befriends Owen (Sam Rockwell), the manager of the local water park. It's a sweet comedy held together by fine, natural performances, particularly from Carrell as the judgemental boyfriend and Rockwell, who delivers the lines as if he's ad-libbing. Allison Janney as the alcoholic neighbour Betty deserves a nod, too - few other characters appear to be having quite as much fun.
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