20 Essential Coming Of Age Movies That Changed Your Life

13. Submarine

Richard Ayoade's debut as writer and director is one of the most assured and polished to emerge from British cinema in recent years. Based on the novel of the same name by Joe Dunthorne, Submarine explores the ins and outs of a teenage boy's first love, with a slick and stylish visual style which recalls the works of Wes Anderson without ever feeling derivative. Oliver Tate (Craig Roberts) stars as the teenage boy who harbours an infatuation with Jordana (Yasmin Paige) and finds himself in a relationship with her after an attempt to make one of her ex-boyfriends jealous backfires. Ayoade's handling of both the trials and tribulations of first love and a young boy's confusion at the manner in which the adults around him behave is both sensitive and insightful, and Submarine marks another success for Warp Films who seem to have a preternatural gift for producing low budget but artistically meritorious films.
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