20 Essential Movie Moments That Will Define 2017

9. Tony Stark Takes Away The Spidey-Suit - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider-Man Homecoming Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

The Moment: After becoming exasperated with Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) recklessness, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) takes the suit back.

Why It Will Define 2017: Firstly, "If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it" is just an awesome line of dialogue, but it's also going to be extremely interesting to see more of a younger, more naive and reckless Spider-Man than ever before.

And of course, Peter doesn't stop his superhero antics simply because his flashy Stark suit gets taken away: we know that he then uses his cheap proto-suit to take on Vulture (Michael Keaton) and summarily gets his a** kicked, before presumably getting the suit back later on and managing to defeat him...with a little help from Iron Man.

It's a novel way to re-fashion Spidey's origin story and not merely make it feel like yet another facsimile of the one fans know all-too-well.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.