20 Essential Movie Performances That Will Define 2018

3. Toni Collette - Annie Graham (Hereditary)

Hereditary Toni Collette

The Role: Annie Graham, a woman who is mourning the recent death of her mother, yet comes to suspect that her mother's demise has left a malevolent presence in their home, which has set its sights on Annie's daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro).

Why It'll Define 2018: Hereditary was one of the most buzzed-about movies coming away from this year's Sundance Film Festival, with most of the praise going to Toni Collette for what many are calling the best performance of her career.

Variety even flat-out called her a sure-fire contender for next year's Academy Awards, and with Oscar-friendly distributor A24 releasing the movie over the summer, there's clearly a lot of hope that Collette will scoop her second nod to date, and maybe even the win outright (though genre films are heavily disadvantaged where wins are concerned).

Whether or not Collette's performance picks up that much traction, it's clearly a magnificent piece of work and likely to be the most-discussed turn from any horror movie released this year.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.