20 Famous Movie Tattoos (And What They Actually Mean)

13. Jaws (1975)

quint jaws robert shaw
Universal Pictures

Role: Robert Shaw as Quint

Okay -€“ strictly speaking this isn'€™t a film tattoo; it was ink that actually ceased to exist before the events of Steven Spielberg'€™s seminal thriller took place. However, the scar remains from the removed tattoo as do the austere memories the ruined flesh has come to represent for Quint.

In the legendary scene in which Hooper and Quint compare their increasingly painful looking scars, Quint eventually reveals the story behind the tattoo scar. He tells of how he had been a survivor of the sinking U.S.S Indianapolis, many of which€™s crew were picked off by sharks as the ship began its slow descent to the seabed.

It is understandable that Quint should want to remove the reminder of this hellish experience from his body €“ tragically, the seaman's account is based on the actual sinking of the U.S.S Indianapolis where only 317 of the boat€™s 1,196 crew survived (as per U.S.S. Indianapolis Memorial). It€™s quite ironic that tattoos are €“ traditionally €“ used mainly by criminals and soldiers.

Of the many military tattoos featured in films, none are more significant and memorable than Quint€™s; and this is without us ever being shown the ink itself. It may no longer be there, but Quint€™s scar holds more meaning for him and inspires more emotion than any normal tattoo denoting a soldier€™s squadron.

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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.